24. The Eden Legacy by Will Adams

To Robert, Eleanor and Grace

Fortunately, I managed to read the books in the correct order. This is the sequel to the Lost Labyrinth. Without giving too much away, the main protagonist, Daniel Knox is now living under a new identity. He works as an underwater archeologist for a British firm, searching for ruins of a Chinese shipwreck in Madagascar. Looking for revenge, Daniel spends his time researching the Nergazedes on the internet which leads them to him. Unbeknownst to him, they send a hitman to kill him whilst he tries to find a missing friend and her father who disappeared from a boat.

Rebecca Kirkpatrick flies back home to find her missing sister and father. She meets Daniel and they both try to find her missing family. Meanwhile, the hitman and his accomplice try to find Daniel. In true action story fashion, it builds to a climax near the end. I’ll stop talking about the plot so as not to give anything away. It was an entertaining read and it made a nice change to read a story set in Madagascar. There isn’t really much more to say about this book, unfortunately. There wasn’t anything awful or particularly amazing about it. It was just an easy read which unfortunately means that I haven’t got much to say about it.

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